Main Gathering, Sundays @ 10am

600 N. 48th Street | Harrisburg, PA 17111

717.319.0668| [email protected]

Join our in-person gatherings Sundays at 10AM or on FB Live at 10am. 

All are welcome here.


This Sunday @ 9AM

Bethany Nepali Church also meeting at our location, SUNDAYS @ 1PM. 

More info here>

Ladies Bible Study + Breakfast  //  APRIL 25th @ 9AM

Join other ladies as they get together for breakfast at City Line Diner and a time of opening the Bible together.  See Paulette for more details.

LIFE GROUPS  l  (meeting at the church) APRIL 1st @ 6PM

Interactive learning, discussion, & a meal together. Childcare and children's classes provided.

Please text Angi for details: (717)395-8720

Please pray for our 4 who have returned from Guatemala with Global Partners in Peace & Development.  Continue to pray for God's churches in Guatemala.

Annual Church Business Meeting was 2/16.

If you would like an end-of-year business review, please see Donna for notes and a financial breakdown packet.

No matter where you're at in life, there's a place for you at Lighthouse.